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來自美國的報導。葛雯‧奧爾森 (Gwen Olsen) 曾經是美國前藥廠業務員,但是她現在以自身的經驗及所知向藥廠舉起了反攻,向大眾揭露了這個墮落產業背後另人不安和沮喪的真相:他們唯利是圖,不顧患者的健康。
葛雯是一名出色的心理健康活動家、大眾演說家以及兒童及心理健康宣導作家,曾經在 2007 時獲得人權獎的殊榮,她的事蹟包括宣導終止美國兒童及青少年過量用藥。很難想像葛雯曾經從事超過 15 年的藥廠業務工作,任職於許多知名藥廠。
抱著盡可能喚醒更多人看清製藥業騙局的熱情,葛雯的研究強調了她對於日益普遍的處方藥使用以及其可能造成的致命影響感到憂慮。她在一段訪談中說到:「世界上並沒有所謂的安全藥物。」 (
在另外一支上傳於 NaturalNews 的訪談中,葛雯也驚人地透漏,藥廠並非拯救病患或幫助治療疾病的產業;相反地,他們只是藉由操控疾病及管制症狀,迫使病患深陷在仰賴化學藥物的陷阱當中。
在影片中葛雯表示,藥物 (特別是精神病藥物) 只是為了促使消費者持續支持製藥業的手段。如果藥廠真打算幫助治療疾病,他們會使自己破產。她說:「我並不想讓人認為我是陰謀論者,因為事實上我所說的一切並沒有理論支持,但是是可以被證明的,製藥業並不想治療病患。」
葛雯最近出了一本書,名為「藥物推手的自白」(Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher),其中爆了許多製藥業者撒謊的危險內幕以及有害大眾生命的謠傳。她的書揭露了許多事實,有些來自個人在職時的發現及觀察,當時藥商鼓勵業務 員們在賣藥給醫生時需陳述藥物的副作用至最小化。這是一本非常坦白的著作,而且是衛生保健系統極需要的當頭棒喝。
如同在書中所提到的,每年有超過 18 萬人死於合法藥物的影響。精神科醫師開立藥物時並不需要提出醫學證據,造成許多人成為潛在患者,於是藥廠擁有更多機會推銷他們的藥物。
葛雯很快就了解到,她的姪女不會是第一個、也不會是最後一個因為藥物受害的對象。外頭還有成千上萬有著相同遭遇的人,他們需要有人為他們發聲,葛雯 願意擔任他們的聲音。她對於製藥業極大的欺騙和誤導、對於醫師及製藥業之間的利益瓜葛所產生的憤怒,使她對這個產業的理想破滅、決議不再從事藥品銷售而改 為追求一個新的使命:散佈真相。




Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Robots being developed for farms to prevent human exposure to harmful chemicals

Editor's Note: What happens when humans are exposed to these chemicals when the food reaches our plate? We hope the claim of reducing pesticides is accurate.

Industrial farm machines headed to robotics
Wiki image
Emily Sohn

Commercial farms of the future may be staffed by robots that will identify, spray and pick individual pieces of produce from plants, even when their targets are grapes, peppers and apples that are as green as the leaves that surround them.

As scientists in Israel and Europe get closer to this goal, experts say the work has a number of potential benefits. Autonomous agricultural robots could protect human workers from the harmful effects of handling chemicals by hand. And through a system of highly selective spraying, robots could reduce a farm's use of pesticides by up to 80 percent.

Robots could also offer a timely supply of labor in many places, where there simply aren't enough itinerant workers available at the right times in the harvesting cycle. Meanwhile, attempts to create robots that can see, grasp and learn could end up having widespread applications in medicine, video games and more.

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Pepe Escobar:伊朗的陰謀是一個內部工作(有片)

疫苗誘導的炎症與 2型糖尿病的流行

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Vaccine Induced Inflammation Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Vaccine induced inflammation could be partly responsible for the type 2 diabetes epidemic, as well as soaring metabolic syndrome rates.

In a little-known press release, Dr. J. Barthelow Classen found a 50% decrease in type 2 diabetes following the discontinuation of the tuberculosis vaccine.

The findings note that the reduction was observed after a single vaccine was removed from the equation.

Published in The Open Endocrinology Journal, Dr. Classen asserted that the increase in these conditions is a result of a hyperactive immune system leading to autoimmune destruction of insulin secreting cells.

“The current data shows that vaccines are much more dangerous than the public is lead to believe and adequate testing has never been performed even in healthy subjects to indicate that there is an overall improvement in health from immunization. The current practice of vaccinating diabetics as well as their close family members is a very risky practice,” says Dr. J. Barthelow Classen.

Vaccine inflammation prompts powerful cortisol response

Dr. Classen also found that other individuals produce increased amounts of cortisol, an immune suppressing hormone, as a result of vaccine inflammation. The body produces cortisol to fight the inflammation that is occurring due to the vaccine, however, the cortisol in turn actually lowers immune function. This is essentially a recipe for disaster, one that Dr. Classen says can lead to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

To further support the concept, the study found that Japanese children in particular develop an increased production of cortisol following immunization. Compared to white children, this cortisol response is much more significant. Providing further evidence, Japanese children actually have higher rates of type 2 diabetes but a lower rates of insulin dependent diabetes compared to Whites. This is due to the lower cortisol response being attributed to type 1 diabetes, whereas a higher response is linked to type 2 diabetes.

This also explains why type 1 diabetics are generally leaner than type 2, since elevated cortisol levels prompt weight gain.


Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.






Clinton calls Iran plot 'dangerous escalation'

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the plot
was "a flagrant violation of international and US law"
© AFP/Getty Images/File Brendan Hoffman

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday denounced an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador on American soil as a 'dangerous escalation' by Tehran.

As the United States began individual consultations with UN Security Council ambassadors -- a possible precursor to international condemnation or some other action -- Clinton reiterated that Iran must be "held accountable."

The plot is "a flagrant violation of international and US law and a dangerous escalation of the Iranian government's long-standing use of political violence and sponsorship of terrorism," Clinton said.

"We call upon other nations to join us in condemning this threat to international peace and security," the top US diplomat told journalists at a think-tank in Washington. "Iran must be held accountable for its actions."

Clinton said the plot was "directed by elements of the Iranian government," and said this "kind of reckless act undermines international norms and the international system."

The "US has increased our sanctions on individuals within the Iranian government who are associated with this plot and Iran's support for terrorism," she said.

Iran warned the United States to shy away from any confrontation over what Tehran called baseless allegations that it plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington.

The US Justice Department on Tuesday named two Iranian suspects as Manssor Arbabsiar, 56, a naturalized US citizen, and Gholam Shakuri, said to be an Iran-based member of the Quds Force, a unit of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Shakuri remains at large while Arbabsiar was arrested on September 29 at New York's John F Kennedy International Airport and appeared in court Tuesday in Manhattan. His lawyer said he would plead not guilty, if charged.

US officials say the case was broken open by a paid US source posing as a member of a Mexico-based drug cartel, which the defendants believed would provide explosives for the attack on the ambassador.

Mexico said it cooperated closely with the US investigation, and said Arbabsiar was denied entry and put on a flight to New York, where he was arrested by US authorities.

© AFP -- Published at Activist Post with license


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

US Senator Kerry: 'All options' open on Iran plot

Senior US Senator John Kerry did not rule out military
retaliation as a response to Iran's alleged plot
© AFP Shah Marai

WASHINGTON (AFP) -  Senior US Senator John Kerry left the door open Wednesday to military retaliation against Iran over an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States.

Asked whether using force was a possibility, the Democratic lawmaker told reporters: "I don't think anything should be taken off the table at this point in time."

"There are a lot of options, they've all got to be discussed very carefully. I think the first thing to do is analyze all of the evidence very carefully," said Kerry, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The senator said key lawmakers on the Senate's Intelligence, Armed Services, Homeland Security, and Foreign Relations Committees were scheduled to receive a briefing from President Barack Obama's administration on the alleged conspiracy.

Kerry said lawmakers would assess "what the layers of knowledge are" in Tehran about the alleged plot.

US officials on Tuesday said they had charged two Iranians, one of them a dual US citizen, with preparing to carry out a bomb attack on the Saudi ambassador under a plan "conceived, sponsored and directed from Iran."

The US Justice Department accused the Quds Force, a special forces unit incorporated in Iran's Revolutionary Guards, of being involved, based on testimony given by one of the Iranians who was in US custody.

The other Iranian, said to be a member of the Quds Force, was at large and believed to have left the United States, according to US authorities.

© AFP -- Published at Activist Post with license



Ethan A. Huff
Natural News

It takes a special kind of humility for a medical professional to admit that something he or she was taught in medical school, and has long since clung to as fact, is actually false. But a growing number of dentists from around the world, many of whom formerly supported water fluoridation, are now boldly speaking out against it as a long-held, unsubstantiated medical dogma purported to prevent tooth decay, but that actually damages health and provides no legitimate oral health benefits.

Recently, there has been intense pressure in many communities to remove fluoride chemicals from water supplies. Particularly in the US where fluoridation is quite common, many local residents have been sending information about fluoride's dangers to their city council members, and even attending and speaking at meetings.

But what is often missing from reports about anti-fluoridation efforts is the fact that many medical professionals, including dentists, are also in agreement that fluoride ingestion is dangerous. In other words, these are not just concerned citizens without medical degrees that are raising an issue, but they are people that have been extensively educated in oral health.

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