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發佈時間:2011-10-25 02:13:52

“應在全球性公共權力的背景下,進行國際金融和貨幣體系的改革”,例如,金融交易的徵稅措施。 “現在金融危機已經蔓延到全世界,呼籲大家,每個人和人民,在社會共存的基礎上對規範、文化和道德價值進行深入的檢查”
它譴責所謂的“市場偶像崇拜”以及“新自由主義的思維”,應通過專門的技術手段來解決經濟問題。 “事實上,危機已經揭示了自私、集體貪婪的行為和規模宏大的商品囤積,”世界經濟需要富國和窮國之間具有一個“相互扶持的道德規範”。
在新聞發布會上被問及該文件是否可能會成為對那些批評全球經濟政策的人的宣戰,紅衣主教Peter Turkson,梵蒂岡正義與和平委員會的負責人,說:“華爾街的人需要坐下來仔細判斷一下,看看自己扮演管理世界財政的角色,是不是在為人類的利益和共同點服務。 “我們呼籲所有的機構和組織都坐下來,做一個重新的思考。

太露骨!紐約市性教育大綱公布 含獸奸等話題(圖)

京港台時間︰2011/10/25  消息來源︰中新網
太露骨!紐約市性教育大綱公布 含獸奸等話題(圖)




據悉,目前紐約市初高中學校的性教育大綱主要包括的內容有︰11至12歲的學生要學習各種性行為的風險,如“性交時使用避孕套和潤滑劑”、法式熱吻、 口交和肛交;青少年學會通過哥倫比亞大學網站的“問問愛麗絲”欄目詢問性知識,如性虐游戲、電話性愛和脫衣舞女郎。此外,學生還需學會到診所就醫,參加節 育和性病測試,並將其記錄下來。



京港台時間︰2011/10/25  消息來源︰光明日報







利比亞石油利益早被瓜分 中資企業重返抱怨找對人難

京港台時間︰2011/10/25  消息來源︰經濟參考報
卡扎菲(專題) 的死亡意味著利比亞新政權將漸行漸近,大規模的重建即將開始。鑒于其關系復雜的部落和政治派別都打著重建旗號如火如荼地進行經濟利益爭奪,其政治環境的不 穩定愈益加劇。對于在利比亞投資和項目頗多的中國企業來說,在亂局中結識靠譜的新“朋友”,對日後的因戰爭損失索賠、重建項目滲透有重要意義。


賠償談判啟動 企業抱怨找人難




中交集團此次來利比亞之前,對方做出了賠償承諾,並希望該企業能夠幫助利比亞承建一些恢復性項目。“來到利比亞之後,發現困難超出想象。”張保中說, “企業重返利比亞的首要困難是安全因素。目前利比亞極不穩定,整個國家都沒有秩序。雖然戰爭已經結束,但安全還是存在隱患,許多利比亞人經常朝天放槍。”



張保中認為,企業目前在利比亞面臨找不到合適談判對象的尷尬局面。由于利比亞當局內部權力爭斗嚴重,即使企業和一些關鍵人物會談並達成一致,也難以確 保會談的成果能夠付諸實施,因為這些人物未必會在過渡政府中如願上任,即使能夠在過渡政府中擔任要職,也難保會在未來的新政府中發揮重要作用。

張保中說,在利比亞糟糕的安全形勢現狀下,無論對方開出多優厚的條件,給多少錢,企業都不會重返,拿員工的生命安全冒險。張保中認為,拋開安全因素, 企業如果能夠重返利比亞,也將面臨許多實際難題。其中,最主要的是原合同價格過低。“目前國際市場原材料價格上漲,人力成本也在上漲,如果繼續執行原來的 合同價格,企業難以贏利。雖然利比亞有關方面同意提高原合同價格,但企業得到的只是口頭而非書面承諾。”

建材匱乏是企業重返利比亞的又一障礙。他說,“經實地查看,中交在利比亞的項目工地保護比較完好,原來的建材也都被保存下來。但這些建材只能使用幾個 月,之後就不適合繼續使用。對于企業而言,這又是一筆損失。”據他介紹,目前利比亞市場上沒有建材,需要從國外進口。但是,利比亞海關的工作人員數量不 足,進口建材難度很大。


張保中說,利比亞今後將組建過渡政府,但過渡政府只能恢復舊項目,新項目要由之後的新政府決定。因此,此前未在利比亞承建項目的企業不能操之過急。 “企業重返利比亞是一項系統性工程,需要多方協調和保障。從目前形勢看,企業返回利比亞的前景還不容樂觀。”雖然利比亞民眾都在慶祝卡扎菲死亡,但他接觸 的一些有知識背景的人,對利比亞的未來比較擔憂。

亂局中找對人才行 新政府成員尚不清晰




目前,利比亞當局分成四大武裝派別,東部地區形成一個派別,即班加西派。在西部地區,分成三大派,主要是米甦拉塔派、津坦派和的黎波里派。其中,米甦 拉塔派實力最大,其武裝實際上控制了的黎波里,這也是當局高官不願居住在的黎波里的重要原因。米甦拉塔派希望由自己的人擔任過渡政府總理,取代賈布里勒。 無論總理人選如何,米甦拉塔派將在新政府中擁有重要話語權,對班加西派構成挑戰。

艾明分析了日後新政府人員執政前景。他表示,在過渡政府中,現任利比亞“全國過渡委員會”執行委員會石油和財政部長阿里‧塔古尼有較好前景。塔古尼曾 經在美國華盛頓大學福斯特商學院任教,長期居住在美國,是管理經濟學、宏觀經濟分析、金融和國際投資領域專家,獲得多次國際獎項。此人具有左翼傾向,曾經 是反對卡扎菲的利比亞國民大會成員,長期流亡海外。根據此前泄露出的利比亞過渡政府名單,塔古尼將升任副總理,負責金融和經濟事務。





此外,利比亞民主黨的創始人艾哈邁德對《經濟參考報》記者介紹說,作為“過渡委”金融、經濟和石油監管委員會的成員,穆斯塔法‧胡尼是利比亞石油工業 的另一名重要人物,盡管此委員會已有其他四名成員,但胡尼是負責石油事務的官員。80年代他曾經擔任利比亞國家石油公司的總裁,觀察人士認為他將在利比亞 能源政策制定方面發揮核心作用。

在基建領域,艾明說︰“原住房和基建部部長易卜拉欣‧薩庫特里或在過渡政府中出任住房和公共工程部部長。此人和中國企業關系密切。”艾哈邁德指出,卡 扎菲政府時代 ,利比亞開發行政管理中心機構(TODAC)在基建領域地位顯著,權力龐大,管理利比亞約70%的住房和基礎設施建設項目。ODAC前負責人阿里‧亞貝巴 憑借手中的權力,在利比亞擁有廣泛人脈,賈利勒此前感謝他對利比亞“革命”提供的巨大支持,稱沒有他“革命”難以成功。


另外利比亞當局中出現了“鷹派”,主要代表是過渡委副主席古賈等人,值得中方企業注意。對內方面,鷹派主張嚴厲處置卡扎菲政權的支持者,因此過渡委主 席賈利勒多次呼吁不要對前政權人員進行打擊報復,強調公正審判卡扎菲的支持者。對外方面,鷹派要求對支持卡扎菲的國家采取強硬態度。“因此,如果鷹派成員 在過渡政府中擁有較多席位,今後重建中可能會為中國企業設置障礙。中國方面應加強和鷹派等成員的聯系,消除誤解和偏見。”艾明建議。



據了解,土耳其總理埃爾多安9月16日訪問利比亞時,帶過去了200多人的團隊,其中大部分是基礎設施建設公司的老板。土耳其公司將在基礎設施建設方 面與中國公司形成競爭,而油氣領域將成為歐美公司的天下。近日,法國和德國商務代表團紛紛到訪的黎波里,和當局的石油部長等官員舉行了閉門會談。此舉被視 為西方國家加速染指利比亞戰後重建利益分配。

利比亞“全國過渡委員會”執行委員會石油和財政部長阿里‧塔古尼近日在的黎波里說,除了簡單的燃料進口合同外,目前執政當局還未與任何國家簽訂合作協 議,“我們將把這項任務交給利比亞人民選舉出的政府”,未來政府簽訂合作協議的首要標準是這些協議能否給利比亞人民帶來利益,另外也會注重協議的透明度。 塔古尼說,未來利比亞將依法和外國公司簽署合同,他警告帶有秘密的國家不要參與利比亞的戰後重建。

不過在利比亞當地業內人士眼中,早就有了未來重建版圖的前景判斷。本‧艾明說︰“在石油領域,美國擁有先進的經驗,無疑將佔據重要位置。此外,西方建 築公司在利比亞擁有廣闊前景,將對中國企業構成挑戰。西方企業擁有較高的建築標準和成熟的經驗,加之使用馬來西亞、印尼和越南等國的廉價勞工,因此在利比 亞建築領域具備較強的競爭力。”

對于已經有26家企業進入利比亞、涉及200多億美元項目的中國企業而言,在該國住房、鐵路、石油服務、通信領域處于有待重啟的新階段。利比亞重建的 過程,也正是一個給相關企業總結前期經驗教訓,為維穩發展充分準備的時期,多位企業人士向《經濟參考報》記者表達了恢復運營後的打算。

在利比亞承建5000套住房項目的一家中國大型國企負責人說,近年來國內企業響應國家走出去號召,在利比亞等國承建了許多項目,但他表示,國內企業 “走出去”前對風險評估不足,特別是在利比亞這樣一個政局曾經穩定的國家,一有項目各企業就一窩蜂地爭搶,且有意壓低價格,形成惡性競爭。他說,中國公司 重返利比亞的一大困難在于合同價格縮水,由于合同原本價格低,加之原材料和人力成本上漲,如果繼續執行原合同價格,企業盈利十分困難。


石油生意早被瓜分 基建項目“危”“機”並存




法拉吉說,由于長期受內戰影響,米甦拉塔、的黎波里和塞卜哈等許多利比亞城市的住房和基礎設施破壞嚴重,甦爾特和拜尼沃利德等城市也是如此。他舉例 說,作為卡扎菲武裝和“全國過渡委員會”武裝曾激烈爭奪的重要戰場之一,利比亞西部城市米甦拉塔遭到毀滅性打擊,許多房屋損毀嚴重,市內幾乎沒有合格的基 礎設施。因此,未來的政府將會投入巨額資金,大力重建受戰亂破壞嚴重的城市。







法拉吉提醒中國企業,不要盲目參與利比亞重建,而應量力而行,仔細研究新合同,規避風險。他說,一些大型中國建築[3.13 -1.26% 股吧 研報]企業過去在利比亞的工作出色,得到認可,但許多實力較弱的中小企業表現堪憂。他建議中國在利比亞重建中應注重增強企業的規模和實力,而非數量。





京港台時間︰2011/10/25  消息來源︰千龍網

但奇怪的是,這場席卷全美國的抗議風暴卻被美國媒體“忽略了”。一反他們一貫唯恐天下不亂的風格,實行低調處理。美國各大主流媒體要麼視而不見,要麼 輕描淡寫,與他們在別的國家發生類似事件時的表現完全迥異。當自己家爆發了“華爾街革命”的時候,美國所謂的“新聞自由”哪兒去了?

現實情況是,成千上萬的美國人走上街頭,呼喊著“我們代表99%”、“華爾街需為一切危機負責”、“將金錢踢出選舉”、“要工作,不要戰爭”、“現在 就革命”、“重塑美國”等口號,目標直指華爾街毫無節制的貪婪、美國政府不負責任的放縱,以及民生維艱的蕭條現狀。示威者將不滿的怒火噴向深陷貧富懸殊、 金權交易、黨派惡斗、戰爭泥淖的美國政治經濟制度和社會體系。他們坦言,“組織這些抗議活動就是要告訴民眾,美國目前的體制已經行不通了”;而活動發起者 則將其與“中東北非革命”相提並論,明確表示“跟我們在埃及、希臘、西班牙和冰島的兄弟姐妹一樣,我們計劃使用群眾佔領這一革命戰術,恢復美國的民主”。 對于這些人,美國警方不僅戒備森嚴,多次進行大規模拘捕,還使用噴射辣椒水,甚至發生暴力沖突。

美國媒體在不得不說的窘境下,把“佔領華爾街”運動描述為 “小打小鬧的街頭話題”,說什麼是烏合之眾,沒有什麼現實意義,缺乏明確的政治訴求。總之一句話,不值得關注。在他們眼里,示威者是一些“只考慮眼前利益 的膚淺之輩”,是一群“無所事事、痴心妄想的傻子”,警方拘捕700多名示威者只不過是因為“交通佔道問題”,完全不應受到批評。如果發生在別國,拘捕幾 個人就是暴政,就是殘酷鎮壓了。明明美國大眾已經對制度完全失望了,美國媒體卻說這套制度沒出任何問題。

一直以來,美國媒體對別國的群體事件極為關注。一有風吹草動,在第一時間就開動全部輿論機器,不惜版面、頻道、時段,不惜添油加醋、造謠抹黑、移花接 木,越亂越令他們亢奮。在他們的報道中,別國的示威者往往是政治訴求明確而正當,手段和平而合法,政府和警方的行動則往往是無視人權的鎮壓和屠殺,鉗制民 主自由的反動舉動,等等。美國媒體熱衷于插手別國事務的這種表現,已經成為國際社會的“常識”,但很明顯,好像這並不適用于美國自己。

不僅美國媒體在內外事件的報道上表現虛偽,美國不少政客同樣慣于使用雙重標準。如果其他國家發生類似的“佔領運動”,美國這些政客無不會祭出民主、自 由、人權等口號,搖旗吶喊、說三道四,借機牟利。但對待本國民眾的“佔領華爾街”運動,這些政客卻又是另一副面孔。在他們嘴里,示威者是一群“失敗者”, 是“刁民”、“暴徒”,“這是一場危險的階級戰爭”。雖然美國總統奧巴馬以及其他民主黨人士對抗議人群表示出一些同情,但個中頗有安撫意味,更多的是出于 維護自身黨派利益和近期選舉考量。從各種聲音中不難發現,兩黨對華爾街的偏向和袒護異曲同工,並沒有人真正傾听廣大民眾的抗議訴求。

美國媒體完全無視本國積重難返的制度弊病和日趨激烈的社會矛盾,表現出一種驚人的“政治正確”,令全世界再次見識了美國新聞輿論生態的真面目。在資本 當家做主、資本說了算的美國政治經濟制度之下,各類媒體完全淪為資本的奴隸,成為供利益集團驅使的工具,而華爾街作為金融資本的大本營,從來都是媒體的老 板,而不是受媒體監督的對象。美國媒體在“佔領華爾街”運動中的表現,深刻揭露了其為資本服務的本質和功能,戳破了美國所謂“新聞自由”、“客觀公正”的 假面具。要知道,華爾街是美國資本主義制度和金融體制的象征,很明顯,“佔領華爾街”就是要對這個制度和體制發出抗議,美國媒體怎麼可能為此助陣?

實際上,美國媒體一直是美國資本利益和政治經濟制度的鼓吹者和捍衛者。他們把美國制度描繪成普適的、終極的、不可逾越的,而對資本和軍工財團操控政 治、縱容欺詐、權錢交易閉口不談。國際金融危機爆發後,美國泡沫破滅,但美國媒體卻從未對華爾街的罪惡和自己國家存在的制度性問題進行深刻反思。反而不斷 地進行各種辯解制造謬論,自夸美國永遠強大、信用永遠3A,不惜大印鈔票、以債養債、打腫臉充胖子,一方面堅定地維護和鞏固華爾街資本的利益,同時不斷地 將國內問題和責任轉嫁栽贓到其他國家身上。一貫標榜自己監督政府、守望社會的美國媒體,自始至終沒有發出過有價值的調查和拷問,反而不斷地為華爾街和美國 政府的所作所為進行辯護。此次“佔領華爾街”運動的興起,直白地將美國政治經濟制度弊病和社會深層次矛盾揭露在世界面前,但面對資本利益,美國媒體惟有不 敢觸及、不願觸及、無法觸及,這是由其鮮明的本質立場和根本功能所決定了的。說白了,美國媒體是端人家飯碗,就給人家打工賣命,就服人家管。

一段時期以來,國內有一些人對美國所謂的“新聞自由”羨慕贊賞、頂禮膜拜,新聞界有一些人也將其視為樣板,鼓吹引進照搬過來。事實上,美國媒體對中國 的報道完全是另一套標準︰從北京奧運會到上海世博會,從拉薩“3‧14”事件到烏魯木齊“7‧5”事件,從人民幣匯率到中美貿易,從南海問題到對台軍售, 從社會穩定到互聯網管理,美國媒體不斷在有關的中國話題上顛倒是非、混淆黑白,甚至無中生有地制造事端,甚至不惜導演無聊的“行為藝術”,並加以放大。而 華爾街成千上萬人喊著“革命”口號上街的大規模抗議,卻在美國媒體那兒淪為不值一提的“八卦話題”。這里頭看不到什麼“新聞自由”,看不到什麼“客觀公 正”,真正看到的不過是美國媒體基于資本利益、美國利益所一貫嚴格恪守的“政治正確”而已。這難道不是活生生的教材嗎?

一場百年不遇的國際金融危機以及其後發生的故事告訴我們,華爾街資本泡沫破滅了,美元霸權地位破落了,美式制度神話破產了,西方自詡不可動搖的價值觀 也動搖了。對于中國新聞媒體來說,就是要認清所謂西方“新聞自由”的極端虛偽性,打破西方媒體壟斷國際輿論傳播秩序的現狀,打破西方媒體營造的新聞“鐵 幕”和“鴻溝”,讓中國的聲音在全球化時代和世界媒體競爭中愈發響亮。


京港台時間︰2011/10/25  消息來源︰環球時報
據10月25日出版的《環球時報》報道  卡扎菲(專題)之後的“下一個”是誰?敘利亞巴沙爾政權顯然成了西方輿論的“眾望所歸”。美國24日以安全為由撤回駐敘大使福特,加重了人們“可能打仗”的猜測。

據美國“國會山”網站報道,美國共和黨參議員麥凱恩23日在約旦稱︰“巴沙爾政權的日子已經屈指可數,但它會用這些時間謀殺本國人民,敘利亞和利比亞 之間沒有什麼區別。”美國官方一直否認要對敘動武,但卻在24日宣布從敘撤回大使。過去數月,巴沙爾政權的擁護者多次攻擊美駐敘使館和大使的車隊。上周 五,福特在大馬士革一個清真寺附近被人投擲番茄和雞蛋。




【本報訊】 美國佔領華爾街行動持續逾一個月,漸現內憂。示威者雖然成立了財委會,卻為如何使用五十萬美元(約三百九十萬港元)捐款而爭執。例如一組鼓在上周毀壞後,需要另購新鼓,但遭財委會拒絕。示威者便為此向着媒體大罵,更因此擅自收起部分捐款,供所屬小組使用。


【本 報訊】中國於捍衞領土主權態度軟弱,遭美日步步進逼,內地網民紛促中國「硬起來」。中國兩艘漁政船昨又於釣魚島一帶遭日本巡邏船警告,而日本前首相安倍晉 三呼籲,讓日本人到釣魚島居住以宣示主權。與此同時,美國國防部長帕內塔昨又於日本批評中國,指摘解放軍近期在東海和南海展示強硬姿態。


至 於南韓木浦海洋警察署上周六以非法捕撈為由,扣押三艘中國漁船。該署負責人昨稱,已釋放其中一艘漁船,另兩艘漁船的二十一名中國船員也將於調查後獲釋。另 方面,越南國家主席張晉創預定明起訪問菲律賓,鞏固與菲國雙邊關係。菲律賓總統阿基諾三世稱,雙方將討論南海主權問題。另越南昨也與日本簽署防衞合作備忘 錄,有分析指為反制中國。


23 October 2011

UFOTV呈獻: UFO秘史 - 高清電影

23 October 2011

赫爾蒙山 - 羅斯威爾連接(有片)

23 October 2011


大 部分的人已經知道有良好規律的睡眠對身心健康是很關鍵的,而根據最新的研究,一覺好眠也可能影響糖尿病。費城兒童醫院的研究人員最近發現,肥胖的青少年睡 太多或睡太少皆會干擾胰島素的分泌,並且增加血糖含量;這些都是促成第二型糖尿病的因素。研究人員表示,睡眠剝奪與第二型糖尿病風險增加的關連在成人研究 中也是一樣的。

若要維持穩定的血糖含量,青少年最佳的睡眠時間是每晚 7.5 至 8.5 小時。研究人員在一天半的期間觀察 62 名肥胖的青少年,並且進行葡萄糖的測試及通霄的睡眠監測。除了測量睡眠時間之外,他們的睡眠階段也經過分析,包括慢波深層睡眠期及快速動眼睡眠期。
根據韓國統計,高中生中有四分之三的人睡眠時間過少;其他研究也指出,有超過 10% 的人長期睡眠不足。富含蔬果、不含肉類及乳製品的全食飲食經常可以扭轉糖尿病,包括第二型糖尿病。
國家衛生協會的研究部主任喬爾‧富爾曼 (Joel Fuhrman) 表示:「治療第二型糖尿病的方法已經找到,那就是去除成因;而主要的成因是西方飲食及缺乏運動造成的體重過重。最安全也最有效的糖尿病治療藥物就是高營養 密度的飲食,也就是說,低熱量而且富含營養的蔬食和運動才是解決之道。」



市 面上常見的嬰兒奶粉品牌含有驚人份量的玉米糖漿及糖分。有鑒於兒童肥胖及糖尿病的發生率正在逐漸增加,家長消費時應該仔細閱讀成分標示以保護小孩的健康; 因為大量攝取糖分及高果糖玉米糖漿已經證實與注意力不足過動症等行為障礙以及焦慮、白天嗜睡及夜晚失眠等其他問題有關。
不幸的是,許多家長並不曉得市面上大部分的奶粉可能也如汽水一樣,會對嬰幼兒的健康造成危害。大部分的嬰兒奶粉都有牛奶或適合乳糖不耐症幼兒的豆奶 配方可以選擇,多半是現成的濃縮液或粉狀製品。所有主要嬰兒奶粉品牌也都有從早產兒至學步兒等以年齡段區分的各種產品,包括了針對特殊醫學疾病兒童及有機 配方的產品。
在美國亞培心美力敏感奶粉 Fussiness and Gas 這系列中五種主要成分包括:固體玉米糖漿、糖 (蔗糖)、牛奶分離蛋白、高油酸紅花油及大豆油。
固體玉米糖漿也是美強生 (Enfamil) 幼兒黃豆奶粉的基本成分,再加上植物油 (棕櫚油、椰子油、大豆油及高油酸紅花油)、黃豆分離蛋白及磷酸鈣。
屬於雀巢的嘉寶 (Gerber) Good Start Protect Formula 奶粉的成分則包括:濃縮乳清蛋白 (來自牛奶、經過酵素分解且礦物質含量少)、植物油 (棕櫚油、大豆油、椰子油、高油酸紅花油或高油酸葵花油)、乳糖及玉米麥芽糊精。
「雙親之選」(Parent’s Choice) 則是沃爾瑪 (Wal-Mart)  的自有嬰兒產品品牌,其嬰幼兒有機奶粉的成分含有低礦物質有機乳清、有機脫脂牛奶、有機乳糖、有機固體玉米糖漿及有機棕櫚油。
Earth’s Best 含有 DHA 及 ARA 的有機嬰幼兒奶粉也有類似的成分:低礦物質有機乳清、有機無脂牛奶、有機乳糖、有機固體葡萄糖漿及有機棕櫚油 (精)。
Nature’s One 的每日配方奶粉成分如下:有機糙米糖漿、有機無脂奶粉、有機高油酸葵花油及有機大豆油。




「手機通訊可能會導致的健康危機,和石綿、吸煙及含鉛汽油所造成的雷同。」歐盟的環境監察機構在 2007 年的時候就已經提出這樣的警告。
迄今為止對於手機所造成的健康風險統計中,最大規模的莫過於企業出資讓 13 個不同國家的研究人員 (不包含美國) 做的互聯電話研究 (INTERPHONE Study) 。雖然這項研究的資料選用經過精心設計以求淡化手機使用的風險,因而為人所詬病,但是值得警惕的結果依然不斷出現。目前為止所發現的結果當中,使用手機長 達10年以上的成人罹患腦瘤的風險增加了40% (特別是聽電話的那一側頭部) ;罹患聽覺神經瘤的風險則增加了300%;腮腺瘤的風險也有所增加。在20歲之前就開始使用手機的人,腦瘤的風險更是提高了400%。
其他大部分來自於歐洲的研究也顯示,行動電話及 PDA (個人數位助理) 可能會導致 DNA 受損、精蟲死亡以及包括早期失智症等的大腦受損情況。這些發現經常以頭條的姿態出現在國際新聞上,但是美國媒體卻將之淡化。
美國長久以來一直不願意承認經由微波爐、手機、基地台及無線網路 (Wi-Fi) 所散發出來的微波幅射對人體健康有害。美國的法律甚至禁止人們以健康為由對基地台的設置提出異議;而且美國電機及電子工程師協會對於通訊標準的訂立也有高度的影響力。
首度發現微波幅射風險的研究是在1960年代由美國的研究員艾倫‧弗雷 (Allan Frey) 所進行的。弗雷發現,之前認為是無害的「非游離」電磁輻射仍可能會產生生物效應 (Biological Effect) 。例如,即使電波雷達並沒有產生實際的聲波,大腦的電磁訊號仍然會受到其「聲音」的干擾。弗雷也發現,微波不僅會造成實驗室動物的器官受損,甚至還可能讓 牠們的心臟完全停止跳動。
但是當弗雷發表了微波輻射可能會破壞血腦障壁功能的研究報告後,美國海軍研究部 (Office of Naval Research) 隨即命令他隱藏研究結果,否則資金就會被撤銷。由五角大廈贊助的科學家駁斥了他的研究結果,但卻拒絕透露任何相關數據或研究方式。
弗雷發現,除了微波輻射中的 P 波 (Primary Wave,或稱載波) 可能會對健康造成危害,真正帶有數據資料的S波 (Secondary Wave,經由手機或無線網路發送的聲音、文字、圖像或其他資訊) 更具有危險性。電波所攜帶的資料愈多,危險性就愈高。
現代研究也證明過去的研究結果屬實,75% 的獨立研究顯示手機所產生的輻射確實會對健康造成相當的風險 (與由企業資助的研究只有 25% 出現這種結果形成對比)。研究人員也發現,當歐洲開始廣泛使用無線網路及手機的同時,健康疾病的發生率隨即大幅提高。
在美國,越來越多群眾的意識正在覺醒。一位匿名的投資銀行家向 GQ 記者透露:財務主管罹患腦瘤的機率高得嚇人,愈來愈多人把原因歸咎於使用手機。
「我知道光在我的公司內就已經有 4 到 5 個人得到腫瘤。」銀行家說到。「每次有人在走廊上談論的時候,我都會聽到。」



酚 (Phenol) :一種酸性微毒白色結晶固體,取自煤焦油,用於化學品製造。
臭樟腦 (Naphthalene) :一種揮發性白色結晶化合物,由煤焦油蒸餾物製造出來,用於樟腦球中,是化學品製造的原料。
苯乙烯 (Styrene) :一種不飽和液態碳氫化合物,是石油的副產品。
德國科學家謹慎的表示距離這些省電燈泡離人類生活的環境「越遠越好」,如果真的要用,他們建議要保守的使用在通風處,而且絕對不要太靠近頭部,因為 這些燈泡會產生電子煙霧,影響人體健康;以色列的一名生物博士也發現省電燈泡所發出的光會干擾身體製造褪黑激素,進而增加女性罹患乳癌的機率。
環保省電燈泡是有害的已經不是新聞。眾所週知其含有有毒的汞,將會傷害腦部、肝臟、腎臟和中央神經系統,業者聲稱這種燈泡安全是建立在外玻璃完好無 缺的前提下,但若是燈泡因處理不當而破裂就會導致有毒粉塵散布到空氣中,只要一個便足以汙染 6,000 加侖的水,並對人的器官運轉、認知能力和情緒穩定造成傷害。


2011年10月24日 11:50:15

"In the same way that attacks on 9/11 and 7/7 were predicted in films and TV programs, a fake terrorist attack at the London 2012 Olympics is also being predicted. In August of 2008, BBC broadcast a series of programs called 'Spooks: Code 9', which envisaged a nuclear attack on the London Olympic Stadium in 2012."

Uploaded by naders71 on Oct 16, 2011

Originally uploaded by notilluminati,000_To_Die_At_The_2012_London_Olympics.html


2011年10月25日 7:36:46
Adolescents who drink over five cans of regular fizzy drinks weekly may be more likely to behave aggressively, including carrying a weapon and behaving violently towards peers and siblings, according to a new U.S. study.

The research was based on a biennial survey of 1,878 teenagers aged 14 to 18 at schools in Boston, Mass.

The number of carbonated non-diet soft drinks that each youth had drunk in the past week was measured to create two groups—low consumption (up to four cans), and high consumption (five or more cans).

Just under 30 percent of the participants were found to be in the high consumption group. The researchers found that people in this group were more likely to have drunk alcohol and smoked at least once during the last month.

They were also more likely to carry a gun or knife, and perpetrate violence towards friends and family members.

"There was a significant and strong association between soft drinks and violence," wrote the researchers in their paper. "There may be a direct cause-and-effect relationship, perhaps due to the sugar or caffeine content of soft drinks, or there may be other factors, unaccounted for in our analyses, that cause both high soft drink consumption and aggression."

A dose-response relationship was discovered when these results were split into four consumption categories, despite controlling for factors like drinking alcohol and smoking.

"We thought that when we controlled for cigarettes and tobacco, the effect would disappear. But instead, soft drink consumption was still what mattered," said study co-author Sara Solnick at the University of Vermont, according to CTV News. "Even if kids used tobacco or alcohol, or they did not, it still boosted the risk."

The number of people carrying a weapon rose from just over 23 percent in those who drank one or no cans of soft drink to just under 43 percent in those drinking 14 or more cans. Similarly, violent behavior rose as follows:
  • From 15 percent to 27 percent towards a partner;
  • From 35 percent to 58 percent towards peers;
  • From 25 percent to more than 43 percent towards siblings.

{etRelated 51281}Overall, the researchers found that high consumption of regular fizzy drinks was associated with an increase in aggressive behavior of 9 to 15 percent. This correlation is also seen with alcohol and tobacco.

"We can't explain why this is happening," Solnick added. "What we have now is just an association. People who are involved in a lot of aggression also drink more soda and we don't know why."
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2011年10月25日 7:46:49

A man dressed as an "evil banker" stands outside Saint Paul's Cathedral in central London as protestors gather on October 15, 2011 (AFP Photo / Leon Neal)
A man dressed as an "evil banker" stands outside Saint Paul's Cathedral in central London as protestors gather on October 15, 2011 (AFP Photo / Leon Neal)
Bankers really do control the world! That’s according to Swiss researchers who, in an exhaustive scientific study, mapped out a blueprint showing the real architects of global economic power.
From freemasons to the Council on Foreign Relations to Bilderberg, the belief that secretive groups control the world’s economic and political system are quite possibly as old as human civilization itself.
But while Occupy Wall Street protestors may be slightly exaggerating in calling themselves the 99 per cent, a recent study conducted by the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich shows that they aren’t too far off the mark.
Drawing from a 2007 Orbis database, which lists 37 million companies and investors spanning the globe, the researchers focused on 43,000 transnational corporations and the share ownership which connected them. Based on their analysis, the Swiss team found that a core of companies, the majority of which are in the banking sector, yield excessive power over the global economy, the weekly New Scientist magazine reports.
Within this group, 1,318 companies with intertwined ownership structures were on average connected to 20 other companies.
Representing some 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the study also shows this group of 1,318 controls the bulk of the largest blue chip and manufacturing firms. In terms of the real economy – the part which produces actual goods and services – they take in some 60 per cent of global revenues.
The team was further able to break down this group into what they described as a “super-entity” of 147 companies that controls some 40 per cent of the network’s wealth.
"In effect, less than one per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says James Glattfelder, one of the researchers behind the study, as cited by the New Scientist.
And when it comes to the top 50 groups within the super-entity, more than a few would be familiar to those who have been camping out in downtown Manhattan over the last month.
Bank of America Corporation, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Merrill Lynch & Co Inc, and JP Morgan Chase & Co were included among the top 25.
Quick to dismiss criticism that they are merely concocting another conspiracy theory, Glattfelder insists that their research is evidence-based.
"Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it's conspiracy theories or free-market," says James Glattfelder. "Our analysis is reality-based, "he said, as cited by the weekly.

­錢生錢Money makes money

­The most recent study of the Swiss researchers builds on past economic theories which also recognized such systemic concentrations of wealth.
In 1906, an Economist named Vilfredo Pareto discovered that around 20 per cent of the population in his native Italy controlled around 80 per cent of the land. This observation has come to be known as Pareto's Principle.
Pareto also found that while individual ratios of wealth and control might vary from country to country, the actual distribution is always the same. That is to say, natural wealth, regardless of human effort, tends to accumulate rather than spread around. That accumulation leads to wealth condensation, a theory more commonly understood as the idea that money makes money. And if less than one per cent of the surveyed companies control 40 per cent of the network, it appears that a slim few have managed to concentrate an astronomical level of wealth into their few hands.
For the researchers, however, the issue of wealth concentration is less important than how deeply the network is integrated.
As the 2008 financial crisis has shown, when a relatively small group yields tremendous power over the global economy, their mistakes will ripple across the world.
Ultimately, those invested in studying the network which controls the bigger part of our world economy hope that through greater understanding, they will be able to make the financial system more stable.
For example, Yaneer Bar-Yam, head of the New England Complex Systems Institute, has suggested taxing firms if their interconnectivity becomes excessive in order to discourage risk, the New Scientists reports. Others have proposed global anti-trust laws to help regulate the level of connectivity.
One question not answered by the study is just how much political power the financial elite are able to wield. John Driffill, a macroeconomics expert at the University of London, told the New Scientist that the interests of 147 companies would most likely be too diverse to sustain collusion.
But while the capitalist network which controls our economy might not be an active conspiracy, they will inevitably have some interests that correspond. The desire to fight any attempts to regulate the network most likely remains a point they can all agree on.


Monday, October 24, 2011

The End of History

Wiki Image
Paul Craig Roberts
Lew Rockwell

Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

If Washington’s plans succeed, Libya will become another American puppet state. Most of the cities, towns, and infrastructure have been destroyed by air strikes by the air forces of the US and Washington’s NATO puppets. US and European firms will now get juicy contracts, financed by US taxpayers, to rebuild Libya. The new real estate will be carefully allocated to lubricate a new ruling class picked by Washington. This will put Libya firmly under Washington’s thumb.

With Libya conquered, AFRICOM will start on the other African countries where China has energy and mineral investments. Obama has already sent US troops to Central Africa under the guise of defeating the Lord’s Resistance Army, a small insurgency against the ruling dictator-for-life. The Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, welcomed the prospect of yet another war by declaring that sending US troops into Central Africa "furthers US national security interests and foreign policy." Republican Senator James Inhofe added a gallon of moral verbiage about saving "Ugandan children," a concern the senator did not have for Libya’s children or Palestine’s, Iraq’s, Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s.

Washington has revived the Great Power Game and is vying with China. Whereas China brings Africa investment and gifts of infrastructure, Washington sends troops, bombs and military bases. Sooner or later Washington’s aggressiveness toward China and Russia is going to explode in our faces.

Where is the money going to come from to finance Washington’s African Empire? Not from Libya’s oil. Big chunks of that have been promised to the French and British for providing cover for Washington’s latest war of naked aggression. Not from tax revenues from a collapsing US economy where unemployment, if measured correctly, is 23 percent. With Washington’s annual budget deficit as huge as it is, the money can only come from the printing press.

Washington has already run the printing press enough to raise the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) to 3.9% for the year (as of the end of September), the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers (CPI-W) to 4.4% for the year, and the producer price index (PPI) to 6.9% for the year.

As statistician John Williams ( has shown, the official inflation measures are rigged in order to hold down cost of living adjustments to Social Security recipients, thus saving money for Washington’s wars. When measured correctly, the current rate of inflation in the US is 11.5%.

What interest rate can savers get without taking massive risks on Greek bonds? US banks pay less than one-half of one percent on FDIC insured savings deposits. Short-term US government bond funds pay essentially zero.

Thus, according to official US government statistics American savers are losing between 3.9% and 4.4% of their capital yearly. According to John Williams’ estimate of the real rate of inflation, US savers are losing 11.5% of their accumulated savings.

As retired Americans receive no interest on their savings, they are having to spend down their capital. The ability of even the most prudent retirees to survive the negative rate of interest they are receiving and the erosion by inflation of any pensions that they receive will come to an end once their accumulated assets are exhausted.

Except for Washington’s favored mega-rich, the one percent that has captured all of the income gains of recent years, the rest of America has been assigned to the trash can. Nothing whatsoever has been done for them since the financial crisis hit in December 2007. Bush and Obama, Republican and Democrat, have focused on saving the 1 percent while giving the finger to the 99 percent.

Finally, some Americans, though not enough, have caught on to the flag-waving rah-rah "patriotism" that has consigned them to the trash bin of history. They are not going down without a fight and are in the streets. Occupy Wall Street has spread. What will be the fate of this movement?

Will the snow and ice of cold weather end the protests, or send them into public buildings? How long will the local authorities, subservient to Washington as they are, tolerate the obvious signal that the population lacks any confidence whatsoever in the government?

If the protests last, especially if they grow and don’t decline, the authorities will infiltrate the protestors with police provocateurs who will fire on the police. This will be the excuse to shoot down the protestors and to arrest the survivors as "terrorists" or "domestic extremists" and to send them to the $385 million dollar camps built under US government contract by Cheney’s Halliburton.

The Amerikan Police State will have taken its next step into the Amerikan Concentration Camp State.

Meanwhile, lost in their oblivion, conservatives will continue to bemoan the ruination of the country by homosexual marriage, abortion, and "the liberal media." Liberal organizations committed to civil liberty, such as the ACLU, will continue to rank a woman’s right to an abortion with defense of the US Constitution. Amnesty International will assist Washington in demonizing its next target for military attack while turning a blind eye to the war crimes of President Obama.

When we consider what Israel has got away with, being as it is under Washington’s bought protection – the war crimes, the murders of children, the eviction in total disregard of international law of Palestinians from their ancestral homes, the bulldozing of their houses and uprooting of their olive groves in order to move in fanatical "settlers," the murderous invasions of Lebanon and Gaza, the wholesale slaughter of civilians – we can only conclude that Washington, Israel’s enabler, can get away with far more.

In the few opening years of the 21st century, Washington has destroyed the US Constitution, the separation of powers, international law, the accountability of government, and has sacrificed every moral principle to achieving hegemony over the world. This ambitious agenda is being attempted while simultaneously Washington removed all regulation over Wall Street, the home of massive greed, permitting Wall Street’s short-term horizon to wreck the US economy, thus destroying the economic basis for Washington’s assault on the world.

Will the US collapse in economic chaos before it rules the world?

研究發現在懷孕期間接觸雙酚 A(BPA)會令到小女孩過度活躍及情緒低落

Monday, October 24, 2011

BPA Exposure During Pregnancy Found to Make Young Girls Hyperactive, Depressed

Anthony Gucciardi, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

A new study has found that pregnant women exposed to high levels of the estrogen-mimicking health destroyer bisphenol A (BPA) can lead to female offspring becoming depressed, hyperactive, and anxious — all at the early age of 3.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, is particularly troubling due to the fact that it also found that 97% of women have BPA in their blood and urine.

The study found BPA in 97% of the 240 pregnant women exampled, as well as 97% of their children. This means that the BPA contamination was passed down to almost every child (if not every child) from their equally-affected mothers within the 97%. In another study, BPA was found in 9 out of 10 unborn babies’ umbilical cords.

A spokesman for the American Chemistry Council, Steven Hentges, says the study’s ”conclusions are of unknown relevance to public health.” He goes on to say that regulators in Japan, Europe, and the USA ”have … reviewed hundreds of studies on BPA and repeatedly supported the continued safe use of BPA.”

Of course the negative effects of BPA exposure do not end with depression and hyperactivity. Found to cause breast cancer in over 130 studies, BPA also wreaks havoc on your body after birth. Found in countless industrial and consumer products including dental sealants, fillings, cans, plastic products, global currency, BPA contamination is such a widespread issue that its presence is truly a challenge to avoid.

Thankfully, there are natural methods of reducing not only the presence of BPA in your body, but also negating its negative effects. While the first step is reducing your exposure to BPA by utilizing stainless steel and glass bottles over plastic, choosing ceramic cookware over plastic-covered pots and pans, cutting down on processed foods and using fresh base ingredients to create your own meals free of plastic-heavy packaging, and wearing gloves if you are handling currency all day due to occupation or any other reason.

In addition to those simple prevention techniques, 13 substances have been found to help eliminate the presence of BPA within your body as well as help to fight the effects:
  • Bifidobacterium 3
  • Bifidobacterium Breve
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Probiotics
  • Melatonin
  • Bacillus pumilus
  • Black Tea
  • Fermented Foods and Beverages
  • Kimchi
  • Quercetin
  • Royal Jelly
  • Folic Acid
  • Genistein
As more studies continue to emerge showcasing the many new-found dangers of BPA, it is important not only to avoid this chemical, but to take action. It is time to remove this toxic substance from the food supply.

Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.


Monday, October 24, 2011

European Union chiefs are drawing up plans for a single “Treasury”

Crisis used to consolidate currencies and taxation
Patrick Hennessy and Bruno Waterfield

The proposal, put forward by Herman Van Rompuy, the European Council president, would be the clearest sign yet of a new “United States of Europe” — with Britain left on the sidelines.

The plan comes as European governments desperately trying to save the euro from collapse last night faced a new bombshell, with sources at the International Monetary Fund saying it would not pay for a second Greek bail-out.

It was also disclosed last night that British businesses are turning their back on Brussels regulations to give temporary workers full employment rights, with supermarket chain Tesco leading the charge.

Meanwhile, David Cameron is attempting to face down a rebellion tomorrow by Tory MPs in a vote over staging a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.

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EU debt crisis being used to consolidate political control


Monday, October 24, 2011

Inflation Up Globally

Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

The meeting yesterday in Europe to come up with a plan to stem the sovereign debt crisis turned sour.  Zero was accomplished, except to put even more fear into the world over an impending financial meltdown that will likely be worse than the 2008 mushroom cloud. 

The Telegraph UK is reporting, “During two hours of bitter exchanges during a meeting of all 27 EU leaders before a crisis summit of the Eurozone’s 17 members on Wednesday, President Sarkozy fought hard to get the Prime Minister barred from talks that would finalise a 100 billion euros cash injection into banks.  ”We’re sick of you criticising us and telling us what to do. You say you hate the euro, you didn’t want to join and now you want to interfere in our meetings,” the French leader told Mr. Cameron, according to diplomats.”  (Click here to read the complete Telegraph UK article.)  It appears members of the EU are having a hard time coming up with a plan which will, no doubt, be some sort of combination of bank failure, steep haircuts in sour sovereign debt, and money printing to pick winners.

So, what does Europe have to do with global inflation?

I figure if there is no plan soon, things may get out of control.  In this scenario, the ECB may be forced to print euros like crazy.

Meanwhile, the Fed would rev up its printing press at the same time to help fight off another out-of-control systemic failure.  This latest possible money dump falls against a backdrop of accelerating global inflation caused by multiple rounds of currency creation since 2008.

How bad is inflation around the world right now?

In Asia, Bloomberg recently reported, “Singapore’s decision to slow its currency’s advance rather than halt gains shows the dilemma facing Asian nations trying to tame inflation while protecting exporters from faltering economies in Europe and the U.S. . . . Singapore’s inflation will average about 5 percent this year and 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent in 2012, the central bank said yesterday. Consumer prices rose 5.7 percent in August from a year earlier.”  (Click here to read the complete Bloomberg report.)

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Vatican Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up

Wiki Image

The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises.

A major document from the Vatican's Justice and Peace department should be music to the ears of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators and similar movements around the world who have protested against the economic downturn.

The 18-page document, "Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems ain the Context of a Global Public Authority," was at times very specific, calling, for example, for taxation measures on financial transactions.

"The economic and financial crisis which the world is going through calls everyone, individuals and peoples, to examine in depth the principles and the cultural and moral values at the basis of social coexistence," it said.

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