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暗殺陰謀 「教宗年內逝世」 梵蒂岡斥流言 專家﹕密函揭教廷權鬥

意大利一份報章刊登了一封匿名教廷「極度機密」信件,披露一名樞機主教訪問中國期間表示,教宗本篤十六世(Pope Benedict XVI)將於12個月內逝世,並點名提到米蘭大主教斯科拉樞機(Cardinal Angelo Scola)將會接任,雖然教廷否認報道,但分析家指信函已掀起梵蒂岡權鬥陰謀風暴。
意大利《每日報》(il Fatto Quotidiano)指,巴勒莫大主教羅密歐樞機(Cardinal Paolo Romeo)去年11月前往中國祝聖梵蒂岡認可主教時,向意籍商人和中國天主教神職人員預言,現任教宗將在12個月內去世。報道引述現場一人表示,從羅密 歐樞機發表消息時的堅實態度,懷疑教廷出現暗殺陰謀。
專家分析,暗殺之說應屬子虛烏有,但不排除檔案 是梵蒂岡內部權鬥的一部份。這說法得到一分日期標示為去年12月30日的文件證實。《每日報》聲稱文件以教宗母語德文寫成,方便德籍教宗閱讀,同時萬一文 件意外泄漏時,梵蒂岡中人也未必察覺得到。檔案警告教宗提防「暗殺陰謀」,引述羅密歐樞機宣稱下一任教宗會是意大利的現任米蘭大主教斯科拉樞機。報道又 稱,羅密歐樞機提到教宗極度不滿梵蒂岡第二號人物、國務卿貝爾托內樞機主教(Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone),二人正展開激烈權鬥。
文件提到教宗屬意斯科拉樞機接任,認為他在個性與神學觀點上均與自己相似,去年6月將他從威尼斯宗 主教提拔為米蘭大主教,正是為其繼任鋪路。報道指,該文件透過一名哥倫比亞資深樞機傳達至梵蒂岡國務卿和教宗秘書,甚至得到教宗關注討論。報道又指,文件 擁有梵蒂岡的章印,顯示文件真確。
點名繼任人 不滿教廷國務卿
前教宗若望保祿二世(John Paul II)1981年曾被行刺重傷,當時矛頭指向蘇聯和保加利亞特工,未有懷疑認為與權鬥有關。url


The LAPD’s little known high-tech underground “war room”

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Inside RACR (Photo credit: Jupiter Systems)
Four stories underground the Los Angeles Civic Center in a functioning bomb shelter, the Los Angeles Police Department’s Real-time Analysis Critical Response (RACR) center was born amidst the fear and confusion which followed the attacks on September 11, 2001.

According to local CBS affiliate KCAL, the idea began at a grass roots level with rudimentary technology and has now grown into a center where police monitor live feeds of traffic and city cameras, counter-terrorism information and real-time crime mapping with “eyes all over the city.”

This surveillance center has reportedly become a model for police departments around the country, which is understandable seeing as police departments seem to love to jump on the bandwagon and take up the latest trend like converting old armored trucks into mobile surveillance platforms.

KCAL was given an exclusive tour of RACR from Chief Charlie Beck – an opportunity which is obviously never afforded to alternative news outlets given the coverage might be a bit more accurate and thus a little less flattering.

Beck exhibited the typical fearmongering tactics employed by law enforcement when attempting to justify their massive expenditures.

“We are targets on our own soil,” Beck said. “We have to be ready.”

Why is Beck not more worried about Angelinos being ready for car accidents? After all, statistically speaking you’re much more likely to get killed in a car accident than a terrorist incident.

My regular readers are probably tired of hearing this, but I think it is always important to point out that there are countless everyday situations and items which pose a much greater danger to our lives than terrorism.

Of course, the government and law enforcement choose to ignore this as it would put the astounding amounts of taxpayer dollars poured into counter-terrorism and homeland security in jeopardy.

“This is a system that cuts through the red tape, that gets information to the people that need it,” says Beck said, adding that it is “the brains of the department, twenty-four/seven.”

Captain Sean Malinowski, the Commanding Officer at RACR, utilized some fearmongering as well in order to justify the program and ensure his job security.

“If we didn’t have that we would be operating blind,” Malinowski claimed. “Essentially we’re always activated here.”

“We have some real-time tools that help us analyze crime as it’s happening,” says Malinowski. “And then we feed that information out to the geographic areas and to patrol divisions.”

They claim that RACR is “a critical crime-fighting tool at the center of every high profile incident in the City of Los Angeles.”

The police boast about using it in visits from the Royals, President Obama and the crackdown on Occupy Los Angeles along with a string of arsons in Hollywood.

Interestingly, Malinowski admitted that in addition to video cameras owned by the city, the police also monitor outside streams like those provided by protesters at Occupy Los Angeles. This indicates that they also incorporate so-called “open source intelligence” or sources of information which are publicly available.

This could very well mean that like so many other agencies they are utilizing social networks and other public outlets in order to monitor activity and trends. Honestly, I would be surprised if that wasn’t part of their monitoring efforts.

RACR is being touted as a blueprint for communities around the country since at the time of its development “there was no template to look at” and “very little technology” according to LAPD Commander Blake Chow.

If historical precedent is any indicator, I think it is safe to say that many police departments will build a facility similar to RACR, if they haven’t already.


Cyborg Brain/Machine Interface is Now Reality

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post

Only a few days ago, I wrote an article entitled “Merging Man and Machine: Singularity vs. Humanity,” where I discussed the growing Singularity movement and its implications for humanity as we know it. 
At the center of this article was the announcement by researchers at the University of California that scientists are now able to translate human speech into computer-generated signals which are then fed back to human brains as human speech.
While this may seem like groundbreaking news to some, the University of California is by no means the only institution working on such technology. Nor is it the only institution experiencing success in these endeavors.

In an article published in the Daily Mail entitled, “The cyborgs are coming! Living brains implanted with electronic chips to replace ‘faulty’ parts,” Rob Waugh discusses successful developments made by researchers at Tel Aviv University in regards to their ability to create and install computer circuits into brains that can replace and control motor functions.
Under the guise of developing technology that could possibly aid individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Tel Aviv researchers have essentially created circuitry that can replace basic motor functions such as blinking, and have implanted these circuits into rat brains.
The circuits are tied together in such a way that they act as what Waugh describes as a “robotic cerebellum;” the area of the brain responsible for the coordination of movement. After being wired to the brain, the robotic cerebellum “receives, interprets, and transmits sensory information from the brain stem, facilitating communication between the brain and body.”

As is the case in much of the tech-related developments I have had the opportunity to research, the robotic cerebellum is not something that will be coming in the future. It is already here.
Indeed, Professor Matti Mintz and other Tel Aviv researchers have already successfully implanted a robotic cerebellum into a brain-damaged rat, “restoring its capacity for movement” and teaching it to blink whenever a particular tone was sounded.
The rat was only able to perform the action when the robotic cerebellum was functioning; demonstrating that the robotic cerebellum was in fact successful in translating sensory information to the brain in a fashion that directly mimics the natural neural impulses.
Mintz, who recently presented his research findings at the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence meeting in Cambridge, UK, stated, “It’s proof of the concept that we can record information from the brain, analyze it in a way similar to the biological network, and then return it to the brain.”
This research dovetails with that which Ian Morris discussed in his own article for the Daily Mail entitled, “Hitler would have loved The Singularity: Mind-blowing benefits of merging human brains and computers.” In this article, Morris discusses experiments recently conducted at the University of California where researchers scanned the electrical activity of the human brain while volunteers were listening to human speech, fed the information into a computer, and translated the activity back into human language.
Morris writes:
Last September, they asked volunteers to watch Hollywood film trailers and then reconstructed the clips by scanning their subjects’ brain activity.
(. . .)
Last week, the scientists boldly went further still. They charted the electrical activity in the brains of volunteers who were listening to human speech and then they fed the results into computers which translated the signals back into language.
The technique remains crude, and has so far made out only five distinct words, but humanity has crossed a threshold.
In another related experiment that was also conducted at the University of California, as well as at Wake Forest University, a brain implant was again tested on rats with findings that revealed the implants could actually restore lost memories.
The implantable device is able to mimic the neural signals of the brain, as well as transmit replicas of these signals to the hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with turning short-term memories into long-term memories. 

With these capabilities, the devices are thus able to trace the neural signals as they occur, then restore the memory after the original memory has been lost. If the device is used with a hippocampus that is functioning normally, it can even be used to enhance memory, not only restore it.
In this particular study, researchers trained rats to press one lever after another to receive water. The tests were conducted by allowing the rats to press one lever and then distracting them so they would have to remember which lever they had already pressed in order to press the correct lever and receive their “reward.”
The researchers then attached electrodes to the rats’ brains and connected them to the CA1 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus. They recorded the signals between these regions of the brain as the rats performed their trained tasks. The researchers then drugged the rats to the point that the two regions (CA1 and CA3) could not communicate. Thus, the rats forgot which lever to press next.
As Theodore Berger, a biomedical engineering professor at USC and lead author of this study, stated, “The rats still showed that they knew ‘when you press left first, then press right next time, and vice-versa.’ And they still knew in general to press levers for water, but they could only remember whether they had pressed left or right for 5-10 seconds.”
After the research team implanted the artificial (robotic) hippocampus, they turned on the device which replayed a previously recorded signal from CA1. The rats then remembered which levers to pull and in the correct order.
As Berger stated in more simplistic terms, “Flip the switch on, and the rats remember. Flip it off, and the rats forget.”
The researchers have stated that they are moving forward in testing the device in monkeys next. However, the authors of the study have also stated that “the system could easily be fitted for human use.”
Obviously, this technology is far ahead of the much-hyped “amnesia pill” that has been discussed for some time. Yet, even a pill that is capable of erasing certain memories was derided as a conspiracy theory for as long as it has been discussed. However, now there can be no derision of the technology and experiments addressed above. Not only are they here -- they have been successful.
In addition, we know that any technology introduced to the general public is already quite obsolete. The military-industrial complex and the high sciences are light years ahead of anything the mass population is even faintly aware of.
The fact that such advancements in the area of mind/brain control are now being introduced to the general public should be concerning to the say the least. While these types of developments undoubtedly hold some benefit to individuals suffering from neurodegenerative diseases or paralysis, the fact is that the agenda behind their development and introduction are not geared to these ends.
Machine-brain interfacing is almost solely geared toward the aims of warfare and control, with positive developments such as ending paralysis and motor impairments only being used as a marketing method for their introduction and acceptance. The Singularity movement itself holds no improvements in the quality of life of mankind, only the possibility (and indeed probability) of a vastly increased level of centralized control over every human being.
Keep in mind, the funding for research in this particular area of science tends to come from military and secretive agencies like DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). These agencies are not in existence due to their contributions to humanitarian efforts. They exist due to their contributions toward “improving” the ability of the State to wage war more effectively.

In an age where the citizens of the supposedly free world are considered the enemy by their own governments, developments such as Singularity and brain/machine interfaces should be viewed with a heavy dose of skepticism and resistance. That is, while our ability to do so still exists.





The Doomsday Machine -- Triple Threat to Humanity

Dees Illustration
Andrew McKillop Activist Post

1950s Vanity Tech

In our book published by Palgrave Macmillan, my co-author Martin Cohen (author of Mind Games and Philosophy for Dummies) and myself line up the reasons why we say The Doomsday Machine of nuclear power has grown ever more dangerous.

We explain why and how it spiraled out from early military origins to become an over-rated, dangerous and expensive source of electricity, mostly in the developed countries.

And, now, in its last format it has morphed into a threat to global security, starting with the world's financial and economic security, and the risks of nuclear proliferation, but also including the biggest, most vast Dirty Bombs imaginable, stationed close to dozens of the world's major cities.

This bad story has to end one day. It may be soon, it may be later, but as we explain the selling of the atom is big business, relentlessly exploiting all kinds and types of weaknesses in the human psyche. The sales show has to go on, but when the end does come, it can and will be a bad ending.

Nuclear power grew and grew, like the cancers its radiation causes. It leaves behind a terrifying sting in its tail. For more than 60 years, it has been promoted as something for nothing which would deliver electricity so cheap, clean and safe that all other and previous forms of electricity production would be abandoned -- possibly with the exception of hydropower, and more recently wind power and solar power. The risks, hazards and real costs of nuclear power were, and still are carefully hidden, talked around, or simply ignored. Ignorance is bliss, but try asking the hundred thousand victims of Fukushima how they feel. Try asking the hundred thousand victims of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Each of these disasters have caused, or will cause $200 or $300 billion of economic damage.

Nuclear power promoters sell the Friendly Atom as man's best friend -- and in some future fantasy version, as our only and last friend when the fossil fuels disappear. Building reactors everywhere is our stepping stone to an all-new energy future, our defense against oil depletion, a key move in countering unreliable foreign suppliers of energy, holding us to ransom with their high-priced oil, gas and coal.

Never mind if these claims have always been exaggerated. Don't expect truth from promoters of the Friendly Atom. When nuclear power suffers its all-too-regular disasters; when they happen and are so big they can't be yanked out of the business-friendly media after 48 hours, nuclear promoters go into quiet mode.  Not long after, however, the promoters will bounce back touting the same snakeoil, expounding the same patter, the same story -- like politicians saying this time things are really going to change for the better. You have to believe. If you are stupid enough.

Swords to Ploughshares and Back Again

WWII made it look or seem that mankind -- at least the US, then the Soviets, British, French and Chinese -- had mastered the atom. They made terrifyingly powerful bombs, but this also looked like a way to get so much energy from so little fuel that Dwight Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' would mega-shift mankind into a totally new world of almost free energy. What happened was different: the enduring nuclear partnership between industry and big government started shifting huge hidden subsidies from the governments of the then-rich and growing consumer democracie; and the USSR, into building wildly expensive Rube Goldberg (for Brits: Heath Robinson) generators far away on the skyline.

Nicely remote, pumping out electricity that only seems cheap when the figures are distorted the right way, the subsidies are hidden -- and frighteningly expensive reactor decommissioning "never happens" because it is so far in the future. In 1955 it seemed that 2012 was centuries ahead.

To be sure, nuclear power's massively dangerous wastes piled up. These wastes provide all and any nation with nuclear power, and engineering capabilities equal to those of US industry in the early 1940s, when cars were still produced using wood, hand-beaten metal, catgut, and animal varnish, to produce atomic weapons equivalent to the 1940's Manhattan Project. Just ask the Israelis, Indians, Pakistanis and North Koreans. But much more simply, today's terror organizations can simply take out and destroy the Dirty Bomb reactors located in enemy nations -- anyway and anywhere they want.

In the 1950s and 1960s things seemed different. At the time nuclear power supplied 0% of world energy. It was set to grow and grow for the benefit of all. Today it supplies about 3% of world energy or 14% of world electricity. Is it worth it?

Technological advances have made nuclear plants certainly more expensive and possibly a little less dangerous, but that isn't the same thing as safe. A worst-case nuclear reactor accident isn't comparable to anything else -- even the devastating Bhopal and Seveso pesticide factory explosions. But it is comparable to a military nuclear strike, because after it thousands of square miles are contaminated for decades with cancer-causing radiation. Everybody knows this. The nuclear industry, its apologists, and its friends in government and the media deny this.

When It Goes Right, It Goes Wrong

When reactors behave right, disposing their nuclear waste remains an insoluble problem. Everybody can check up the long, bad-joke story of the US Yucca Mountains "final repository", which never happened. It was too expensive. It was abandoned by the Obama administration after decades of playacting and ever rising costs. For nuclear waste there is in fact no solution, so massive amounts of poisonous radioactive debris are piling up, and will go on piling up around us. Technology optimists, to be sure, have a huge wishlist of pet projects to supposedly solve the problem. These always-expensive, never-built "solutions" are used by nuclear promoters to pretend all problems will be solved or controlled. You have to believe.

More unsettling, the financial industry's most nimble-brained liars -- the same who gave us the subprime and sovereign debt crises -- have taken up hard-selling the atom. Poor nations with a high risk of civil war and rather unimpressive government oversight (including Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the two Sudans, Algeria, Egypt, even Libya of the Gaddafi era) claimed or go on claiming they are jumping on the nuclear bandwagon just as soon as possible. The financing is secure, their Western financial advisers say. It is the only way forward, you know.

Sadly, the global warming and CO2 issue served as a litmus test for the environmental movement, winnowing out a loud and self-important faction saying nuclear power is the only practical way to reduce carbon emissions. Following the Fukushima disaster some have gone quiet, even recanted and denied their love affair with the friendly atom, and shifted back to talking solar energy and wind power. But these alternatives to the atom spin the dials on the finance industry's cash registers almost as fast as atomic energy snakeoil: offshore windfarms and square miles of solar power plants are the new big ticket, high-priced Energy Vanity Tech of the post-2000 era.

In turn, never missed by nuclear fundamentalists as they tiptoe back in the media to sell their poison, solar and windpower remain hopelessly unable to entirely and efficiently replace our current fossil-based energy sources and systems. Hydroelectric dams often flood valuable land and damage the environment; biofuels convert food crops to diesel fuel and gasoline substitutes, raising food prices and gulping huge quantities of water; nuclear fusion power is pie-in-the-sky.

We are told we must get used to nuclear power because it is the only real alternative to declining and depleting oil supplies, and polluting coal energy whose supplies aren't so massive as plenty pretend. Even the shale gas boom will only stretch gas supplies a certain time, but this is a new-old story.

Listening to it, we could be anywhere in time, whether the 1956 UK Winscale disaster, the 1979 US Three Mile Island disaster, the 1986 Russian Chernobyl disaster. Nuclear power certainly travels down the ages, and each time a disaster happens we will get those comfort studies on nuclear risks: the famous US Rasmussen report of the 1970s told us the chance of a nuclear accident, like Three Mile Island which happened a few years later, is once every 30,000 reactor years.

When It Goes Wrong -- It Goes Badly Wrong

Nuclear power is a permanent disaster. Producing its uranium fuel is an environmental disaster -- now tucked and folded over the horizon in mostly-poor countries where miners are paid $5 a day and unprotected against radiation. Building reactors is a financial disaster, always shifted to government subsidies. Waste disposal is both an environmental and economic disaster. When the fateful time comes to decommission the Doomsday Machines, after the easy 10-year life extensions run out, this is another economic disaster. But when a reactor becomes what it really is -- the most massive Dirty Bomb you or Bin Laden (radhi Allah anhu) can imagine -- the nuclear disaster will be hard to yank out of the media, quicktime, and carry on like nothing ever happened.

It will mark the turning point. As we know, president Sarkozy of France -- the most nuclear-intensive country in the world and officially proud of it -- was a prime mover in the 2011 regime change war against Muammar Gaddafi. In December 2007 at the Elysees Palace with Gaddafi's Bedouin tent and Mercedes bulletproof limos outside the palace for the duration, the same president Sarkozy was trying, real hard, to sell Muammar Gaddafi nuclear technology. One Areva power plant, maybe two of them. Unbelievable but true. To be sure we could take some magic mushrooms and dream, along with the nuclear apologists and their financial partners that war is finished. It doesn't exist anymore. Even civil wars, in Libya and Syria for example, are waged by persons who never, ever would think about targeting their enemy's nuclear power plants. Although they know that each full-size reactor contains as much radiation as 150 Hiroshima-size bombs, they simply wouldn't do that. You have to believe.

Outside war (which we know doesn't exist anymore), the war on our living standards, incomes and buying power will soon go into high gear in the Nuclear Nations, nearly all of them OECD, mature post-industrial democracies trying to get a grip on their sovereign debt disasters. Large-scale decommissioning will have to start soon. In the 12-year period to 2025 several dozen will go into decomm and Safestor and the price will be high -- so electricity prices will fly. At the very same time, by a strange process of mass schizophrenia, we are also told we have to make an almost instant Energy Transition away from oil, coal and natural gas, to always-more-expensive renewables, to save us all from Climate Crisis. Along with expensive renewable energy, we can have nuclear power, in the furthest out and most expensive Low Carbon transition plans. All we know is the costs will be out of sight. Truly out of sight.

As our book tries to point out without going viral, the credibility of these energy fear plans and fantasies is so low that we have to ask why anybody takes them seriously, or pretends they take it seriously. What we can be sure of is this: nuclear power is going to be a mover in the needed process of rediscovering and understanding that reality is....real. We can hope the nuclear wake-up call will not be a pure and simple disaster, like the experience for nearly 100,000 Japanese thrown out of their homes, farms, factories and schools, probably forever and at least for decades by the 4-reactor meltdown at Fukushima.

We can sincerely hope it will only be an economic and financial disaster -- just one more, to add to the rest, and probably manageable. We can hope.

We can hope, but the clock ticks on. The world's reactors are aging. The uranium runs out. The wastes pile up. The risks, already high, go on growing. The Doomsday Machine.


posted by admin
April 6, 2010

In recent meetings with various self-described members of the “Illuminati,” I have been told about how they have monopolized powerful ancient technologies in order to enforce their secret rule over humanity.
In fact they have even provided me with several books describing in exact detail how to summon various “entities” who control primeval forces.

According to them, if a modern human goes to visit a primitive tribe and shows them something like a pair of binoculars, then it will seem like magic to those people. In the same manner, they say, their ancient technologies will seem like “magic” to us.

The Illuminati members say they were entrusted with this technology thousands of years ago and told to use it to guide human history according to a predetermined plot that ends on December 21st, 2012. That is the date they say that a once in 25,920 years known as a precession of the equinoxes takes place.
That date will mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
They say they do not know what happens after that date and that they are very nervous.

Normally I treat such talk with extreme skepticism but I have seen something totally mysterious with my own eyes that has made me open my mind to the possibility of this being true. The entities the Illuminati say they can summon each have a special symbol.
When I was in the Philippines on December 21st, 2009 with some disciples of Nikola Tesla and various shamans, we held a ceremony on a large lake near Manila.
On the day of the ceremony there was extremely heavy rain and the skies were almost as dark as night because of the cloud cover. I asked the Tesla disciple if the rain wouldn’t interfere in the ceremony.
She responded by saying,
“do not worry, it will not rain during the ceremony.”
When the ceremony took place they threw a tablet of transparent material with various Illuminati symbols on it into the lake.
The sky above where the ceremony was being held immediately cleared up but the heavy rain and thick cloud cover remained all around us. This extremely unusual phenomenon was almost certainly captured by satellite and so can be independently confirmed.

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by Vigilant
July 18, 2009
from VigilantCitizen Website
During the last years, a new trend appeared in Hollywood: secret societies being at the center of movie intrigues.
Some might find this surprising since secret societies are supposed to be… well… secret. Many people in the movie industry are part of those Brotherhoods so what is the reasoning behind this?
We’ll look at the myth Hollywood is trying to create by examining “National Treasure” and “Angels and Demons”.
A decade ago, movies about Freemasonry or the Illuminati were rare and far apart (see here a nice list of Masonic references in movies).
There has however been a major switch during the last decade. The world wide public has witnessed major blockbuster movies featuring those Brotherhoods at the center of the story.
Their exoteric symbols are abundantly displayed and some of their history is even explained.
  • Why are those societies exposing themselves to the average movie goers, who, for the most part aren’t even aware of their existence?
  • Isn’t secrecy an important requisite for the survival of those orders?
I believe an important change is taking place in the communication strategies of these elite societies.
The advent of the digital age, where any individual can create and publish content has rendered the secrecy of such organizations impossible. Self-published websites, books, documentaries, DVDs and other medias have exposed many secrets of Masonry and other orders. Information which could only be found in rare and exclusive books is now a Google search away.
I have encountered some Masons who were astonished by the level of knowledge possessed by the ”profane”. Those types of Masonic scholars, who aren’t actually initiated into the Brotherhood, were very rare not too long ago.

Since the digital switch is irreversible (and completed), occult orders have adapted their strategy to this new context (they’ve probably saw this coming years ago).
The strategy is :
“If they have to know about us, we’ll tell them what to know“.
Through Hollywood and best-selling books, secret societies are being introduced to the average Joe but with one BIG condition: the public is given a distorted, caricatured and romantic portrayal of secret societies.
We are introducing in pop culture a mythical lore around secret societies, associating them with fascinating symbols, treasures hunts and exotic adventures. The viewers believe they are actually learning facts about Freemasonry or the Illuminati and they leave the movies with a sense of wonder, fascination and admiration. Those feelings are however based on totally erroneous facts, dubious explanations and fairy tale story telling.
After viewing those movies, the viewer has a positive predisposition concerning those orders and will be less inclined to believe and research conspiracies related to them.

National Treasure
This blockbuster adventure movie was produced by Walt Disney Pictures, a brand that guarantees family-friendly entertainment.
So parents can bring their kids and enjoy a nice, wholesome, Masonic disinformation session. The movie revolves around a treasure hunt based on clues left by prominent Masons on the Declaration of Independence.

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